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522 E Broad St
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Smile Brightly This Holiday Season with Cosmetic Dentistry Services from Dr. Weinman

November 25, 2013

The holiday season is upon us, and that means family get-togethers, parties with coworkers and friends, and more yummy food than you’ll know what to do with. No matter what your plans are, you want to be able to enjoy these merry days worry-free – and that includes any concerns you may be having about the state of your smile. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to show off a newly polished appearance to the important people in your life over glasses of eggnog and unwrapped gifts? Dr. David Weinman and his staff in Westfield, NJ are here to help you accomplish a true holiday transformation just in time with our wide variety of cosmetic dentistry services.

What services can you offer me?

When it comes to dental treatments, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution – instead we’ll take your personal needs and desires into account before suggesting a cosmetic dentistry procedure that could give you the results you’re looking for!

Do you find it difficult to smile due to unsightly stains or discoloration on your otherwise healthy teeth? This is a frustrating problem that can’t be helped by personal care, so instead, let our team refresh your look with our teeth whitening services! We offer both Zoom! In-Office Whitening and take-home kits in order to accommodate our patients’ varied needs.

Do you often notice small chips or cracks in your enamel whenever you look in the mirror? Dr. Weinman can quickly and effectively treat these areas with cosmetic bonding, restoring a much-needed sense of wholeness to your smile. Alternatively, we offer porcelain veneers for patients who’d like nothing more than to experience a complete do-over on one or more teeth and instead enjoy a dazzling, brand-new look. If you’d like to learn more about the other cosmetic dentistry services we offer, click here!

Contact our Westfield, NJ office today if you’d like to schedule an appointment. The holidays are coming up fast, and Dr. Weinman and his team can’t wait to help you experience a smile that’s happier and healthier than ever before during them. We also serve the areas of Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Weinman Dispels Some of the Myths about Porcelain Veneers for Patients from Westfield and Beyond

October 11, 2013

When your smile is suffering from a number of imperfections, such as chips, cracks, or even gaps, it can seem like an exhausting process to go through multiple procedures in order to correct all of these problems. That’s why porcelain veneers have become such a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment!  Painstakingly customized and crafted out of beautiful, natural looking dental porcelain, this transformative piece can give your smile a complete do-over, covering up all sorts of visual flaws that can hinder self-confidence with a brand-new, stunning look. However, our office has heard several myths about porcelain veneers over the years that may be holding some patients back from pursuing this treatment. Here in Westfield, Dr. David Weinman and his team want to be the first to assuage your fears and help you receive the dental care of your dreams! Here are just a few of the myth surrounding porcelain veneers and the truth behind them:

You have to cut down my whole tooth to complete the process!

This is a definite exaggeration. Your teeth will require some reshaping in order to create a true natural look – after all, the last think you want is for your new smile to look bulky! Still, the amount of tooth structure that has to be removed is not excessive, and many lab technicians can create veneers as thin as 2mm, or the width of a single contact lens.

They’re incredibly painful!

During the procedure, Dr. Weinman and his team will make sure you’re anesthetized fully so that there is no sensation at any point. The only sensitivity that should occur happens when you’re wearing the temporary veneers we’ll provide while your permanent ones are being made.

I don’t want them to be unnaturally white!

We’re happy to make them whatever color you want! While some patients enjoy a blazing white color, Dr. Weinman will be happy to assist you in picking a color that best fits your smile.

I can’t afford them!

Thankfully, we offer a variety of financial options, including extended payments. Your payments could even be less than $200 a month! This could help some patients who need some financial breathing room still achieve the smile of their dreams.

Contact our Westfield, NJ office today to schedule your appointment! Our team can’t wait to give you a reason to smile. We also serve the areas of Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Teeth Whitening Treatments from Dr. Weinman Can Help Your Smile Truly Sparkle

June 10, 2013

No matter how well they brush or floss every day, many patients still look in the mirror only to see a lackluster smile staring back. Dingy or discolored teeth can be a real confidence killer, especially for people who work hard to maintain a polished image in social and professional settings. Don’t reach for that over-the-counter solution just yet, though – instead, why not experience teeth whitening care from a professional? Dr. Weinman and his team in Westfield, NJ are committed to providing patients from all walks of life with the stunning smile they’ve always dreamed of, and with multiple teeth whitening treatments available, they’ll be sure to find the solution that best fits your unique needs!

Transform Your Look and Your Life

Do you have a big event coming up, such as a wedding or graduation ceremony? Are you looking for quick, dramatic results? Dr. Weinman offers Zoom! In-Office Whitening, which could be the perfect solution for your needs. With the help of its patented blue-light technology and specially formulated teeth whitening gel, we can whiten your smile 3-4 shades in a single, hour-long appointment!

Do you prefer to whiten more gradually? We also offer take-home teeth whitening trays so that you can work your way to a brighter smile in the comfort of your own home. We’ll create custom whitening trays, as well as provide you with our professional-strength gel. Simply wear both together as prescribed for a couple of weeks and you’ll see beautiful results!

Our dental team is committed to providing patients with comprehensive, compassionate care that’s sure to leave them with something to smile about. Contact our Westfield, NJ office if you have any questions about our teeth whitening treatments, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment. We also serve the areas of Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and surrounding areas.

Stop the Snoring and Give Your Smile a Rest

March 1, 2013

Many of us snore while we sleep. In fact, we often don’t even find out that we’re doing it until someone (usually a tired spouse) lets us know. But what if you’re honestly not sure? Is it really that big of a deal? While snoring may seem like a harmless, if annoying, habit, it can cost you valuable rest and relaxation time, causing you to not perform to the best of your abilities during daytime hours. Snoring can also be an indicator of a much more serious problem: sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that causes multiple pauses in breathing throughout the night, and it can lead to many crucial problems down the road if left untreated, including an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and memory loss.

If you’re a chronic snorer or if you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea by your doctor, a snoreguard may be able to help! Dr. Weinman and his dedicated team are committed to provide you comprehensive, thorough care that puts your health and safety first, which is why they’re happy to offer snoreguards for your convenience here at our Westfield, NJ office.

Here are some common symptoms that can suggest chronic snoring or sleep apnea:

  • Choking, snorting, gasping, or abnormally long pauses while sleeping – check with your spouse to see if they’ve noticed this!
  • Daytime exhaustion, no matter how many hours you spend in bed
  • Waking up with a dry or sore throat
  • Morning headaches

Be sure to check with your doctor if you have concerns!

What can you do to help me sleep better?

Dr. Weinman will be happy to help you find a successful solution that can combat your snoring. We provide custom-made snoreguards at our Westfield office, which comfortably reposition the jaw while you sleep, opening your airway and eliminating snoring. Many patients who have found the use of a CPAP machine to be lacking or ineffective have finally received the relief they needed when using a snoreguard!

Don’t let snoring ruin your smile and your day – Dr. Weinman enjoys providing his patients with comfortable, effective care that leaves them happy and healthy. Contact our Westfield, NJ office today to learn more about snoreguards. We also accept patients from Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Get Your Teeth in Tip-Top Shape with Invisalign in Westfield, NJ

January 24, 2013

As an adult in the professional workplace, it can sometimes feel like it’s too late for you to fix those crooked or misaligned teeth and finally have the perfectly straight smile you’ve always wanted. After all, traditional braces are uncomfortable and frustrating. You’ve worked hard to create and maintain a polished and successful image through your daily life. You definitely don’t deserve to have all of that tainted by clunky metal braces that make you feel like you’ve been sent back to junior high. Luckily, Dr. Weinman and his team are committed to providing you with treatments that work quickly and produce lifelong results, all while keeping in mind your comfort. That’s why we’re happy to offer you Invisalign as a cosmetic option at our Westfield, NJ office. With the help of Invisalign, you’ll finally have a seamless solution to your smile needs, leaving you with perfectly straight teeth you’ll be proud to show off.

How does Invisalign work?

When undergoing Invisalign treatment, you’ll use a series of clear aligners, custom-made to fit your unique mouth. Each aligner will move your teeth incrementally then be replaced by a new one every two weeks. Dr. Weinman will also ensure that your teeth are moving properly by examining them every six weeks. That’s all there is to it!

There are several benefits to using Invisalign, the biggest one being that they are virtually undetectable to those around you. You’ll be able to reap all the benefits of braces without ever having to spend one second worrying about embarrassment. In addition, Invisalign braces are comfortable and easily removed, meaning you won’t have to make any changes to your diet or oral hygiene routine. Best of all, while treatment time varies, a majority of patients who undergo Invisalign are finished in less than one year – a much quicker alternate to traditional braces, which can take multiple years to straighten your teeth.

Do you think Invisalign might be the right choice for you? Dr. Weinman and his team can provide you with comfortable and personalized service that’s sure to bring a smile to your face. Call our Westfield, NJ office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinman. We also gladly serve patients from Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Have You Had A Dental Check-Up Lately?

January 10, 2013

We’re well into the New Year now, a time of new beginnings and resolutions to live better. Maybe you’re interested in taking up a new hobby, or you might just want to spend more quality time with your family. While you’re at it, why not add scheduling a dental cleaning and check-up with Dr. Weinman to the list? At our Westfield, NJ dental office, we’re committed to providing you with effective and comfortable service that will be sure to send you off smiling.

Treat Your Teeth, Save Your Smile

Whether you’re six or sixty, the American Dentistry Association recommends you see your dentist for a check-up at least twice a year. Of course, we understand that things happen – you lead a busy life, after all, and time can get away from you when you have several other responsibilities you’re thinking about. But check-ups and cleanings are still important for your overall health – after all, it’s the only way we can find and correct a variety of dental health problems when they first start.

During your cleaning, a skilled hygienist will check your mouth for any signs of gum disease. Gum disease can be a devastating condition to your teeth, with subtle symptoms that can’t always be noticed by an untrained eye. By undergoing a cleaning, you’re also protecting yourself from its ill effects.

Similarly, when undergoing a check-up, Dr. Weinman will carefully inspect each of your teeth for decay and injury, as well as how previous dental work is holding up. If left untreated, cavities, cracks, and the like can grow into much larger problems – by attending regular check-ups, we can monitor any issues and treat them quickly and effectively, saving you both time and money.

Are you ready to experience excellent, personalized dentistry? Dr. Weinman and his team here in Westfield, NJ want to give you the healthy, happy teeth you deserve. Don’t delay a check-up any longer – call our office today with any questions you may have, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment. We also gladly serve patients from Westfield, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

A Brighter Smile for the Holiday Season

November 19, 2012

With Thanksgiving getting closer, the end-of-the-year holiday season is at hand. And with the holiday season comes family get-togethers, parties with friends and coworkers, and more. Wouldn’t you like to face each one of these with an improved sense of confidence in your smile?

Teeth whitening from Dr. Weinman’s Westfield dental office can help you do that.

To help you comfortably achieve the dazzling smile you’ve dreamed of, Dr. Weinman offers take-home teeth whitening. With take-home teeth whitening, you can enjoy professional results that far surpass what’s possible with over-the-counter products.

By getting started now with take-home teeth whitening, Dr. Weinman can help you get on your way to a brighter smile just in time for the holidays to arrive.

Take-home teeth whitening works using a professional gel and whitening trays. To whiten your smile, you’ll simply line your trays with the gel, and wear them as directed. Within a few days, you’ll begin to see results. What’s more, take-home teeth whitening lets you do it all on your own schedule, without having to come in for a special whitening appointment.

If you’re interested in having whiter teeth for the holidays, now is the time to get started. Call Dr. Weinman’s Westfield office to reserve a consultation. We’re dedicated to helping patients from Westfield, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond create transformative smiles.

What Is a Smile Makeover?

September 28, 2012

If you’ve looked through the different services that Dr. David Weinman offers at his dental office in Westfield, you may have noticed one called a smile makeover and thought to yourself, “Hmm, just what is a smile makeover?”

Well, that’s what we’d like to spend today’s post talking about.

A smile makeover isn’t one particular thing. Instead, it’s a highly customizable, highly personal service that we offer for our patients. That means a smile makeover doesn’t involve one specific service but rather a wide spectrum of services, including cosmetic and restorative services.

What’s more, there’s an artistic aspect to smile makeovers that you don’t always have with other dental services. The goal of a smile makeover, after all, is to create a beautiful, healthy smile that brightens your appearance and draws out the real you for others to see.

As your Westfield general and cosmetic dentist, Dr. Weinman has the experience and the artistic eye needed to accomplish the transformation you’ve been dreaming of. And getting started on your smile makeover is easy. With a simple consultation appointment, Dr. Weinman can assess your oral health and determine what your needs are. Then, after all of that is known, he can begin putting together a detailed treatment plan to help you realize your smile goals.

Call Dr. Weinman’s dental office in Westfield today if you’re ready to schedule your smile makeover consultation. Our team proudly serves patients from Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and all surrounding areas.

Contemporary Cosmetic Dentistry Services for Westfield and Beyond

August 10, 2012

Every year, patients from all walks of life turn to cosmetic dentistry for help creating a dazzling smile. Some of them could be your neighbors or co-workers, while others might be friends or family. Why is this kind of care so popular? Because a beautiful smile inspires a greater sense of self-confidence and can improve the quality of your life—and that’s something we can all benefit from.

At Dr. David Weinman’s dental office in Westfield, we’re using some of today’s most requested cosmetic dentistry services to create beautiful, confidence-building smiles. Our cosmetic dentistry services include:

Each of these services is effective for transforming smiles and lives, but not every service is perfect for every patient. So how can you know which of these is most right for you? One way is by clicking on the links above and reading about each one. Another is by showing us your smile. With our team’s combined knowledge and experience, Dr. Weinman can guide you to a personalized treatment plan that will help you achieve the stunning results you’re looking for.

Are you ready to begin working on your smile? Call Dr. Weinman’s Westfield office today to schedule your consultation visit with us. Dr. Weinman and his team serve patients from Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond with excellent preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry.

Restorative Dentistry Options from Dr. David Weinman

June 26, 2012

In our last post, we talked about an extremely effective restorative dental service known as dental implants. Today we’d like to highlight the other restorative dentistry services you can find at Dr. David M. Weinman’s Westfield dental office.

Our restorative dental services include:

With each one, Dr. Weinman can provide patients from Westfield and beyond with effective care that helps them reclaim their oral health and overall health. But which one is right for you?

That all depends on your situation. In cases of mild to moderate decay you may only need fillings, or perhaps an inlay or onlay. In more developed cases, though, a porcelain crown may be needed to restore your smile’s strength and functionality. And for patients who have lost teeth, a bridge or a dental implant may be perfect.

But a simple blog post like this can’t tell you everything you need to know to make an informed decision. That’s why, if you’re considering a restorative procedure, we recommend that you call Dr. Weinman’s Westfield dental office today to schedule a consultation appointment. During your consultation, Dr. Weinman will thoroughly examine your smile in addition to talking to you about your smile and the results you’re looking for. Afterwards, we can recommend a service that’s right for you and begin putting together a customized treatment plan.

Call us today if you’re ready to begin transforming your smile. Dr. Weinman’s Westfield dental office serves patients from Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and surrounding areas.


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